A Former Foster Child’s Recollection of Hattie Talley

We meet thousands of people in a lifetime with many of them disappearing in the annals of memory. But every so often there’s one person you come across, whether it’s for seven minutes or seven years, that changes your life forever.

Hattie Talley, Founder New Jersey Foster Parent Association (now known as Foster and Adoptive Family Services)

Hattie Talley, Founder New Jersey Foster Parent Association (now known as Foster and Adoptive Family Services)

That’s what Hattie Talley, co-founder of Foster and Adoptive Family Services (FAFS), was for Susan Roseboro.

After becoming a foster child in 1966 at age 13 following her parent’s divorce, Roseboro spent time in four foster homes, each leaving little impression and less connection.

The fifth home, however, changed everything. Continue reading

5 Things That Came and Went in the 2000s While FAFS Continues On

The 2000s brought us Facebook, iPods and GPS along with a litany of other technology we continue to use today. It also brought us canceled television shows, discontinued sodas and failed football leagues. But throughout the ever changing landscape of the new millennium, Foster and Adoptive Family Services (FAFS) continued on.

Here are 5 things that came and went in the 2000s while FAFS continued on. Continue reading

NJ Foster Care History Timeline The 1980s

The 1980s were a time of growth and change that led to many positive developments for New Jersey’s foster families.

“We are proud of New Jersey’s distinction as the national model of partnership between a State child services agency and foster parents. Together we are setting an example for state agencies in recognizing the invaluable contribution that foster parents can have – not only in caring for thousands of children on a daily basis, but also in shaping the quality and diversity of substitute care services for the future.” Nicholas Scalera

NJ Foster Care History Timeline: The 1980s

1983 – Foster and Adoptive Family Services‘ partnership with DYFS as advocates, not adversaries, begins

1983 – NJFPA becomes the first state association to receive state funding for advocacy, in-service training and recruitment of foster homes

1983 – NJFPA receives DYFS policy regarding foster care for review and comment before implementation

1983 – Support Groups for Foster Parents (then known as Volunteer Committees) now in every county in NJ

1983 – Legislation on foster care programs/services amounting to over four million dollars introduced in Senate and Assembly

1983 –  Governor Thomas Kean designates May as Foster Parent Month in NJ

1986 –  Touch A Life (Become a Foster Parent) ad campaign debuts – created for NJFPA from donations of professional service through the NJ Council on Advertising.

1987 –  Liability insurance program for foster parents established

1987 –  Foster Parent support worker position introduced

Milestones In Foster Care History The 1970s | NJFPA Holds First Meeting at Shiloh Baptist Church

Milestones in Foster Care History in NJ – The 1970s – Foster parents Sue and Bernie Dondiego and Hattie Talley go from a kitchen table with just the 3 of them to a statewide meeting of concerned foster parents after forming the New Jersey Foster Parent Association (NJFPA), known today as Foster and Adoptive Family Services (FAFS).

Milestones in Foster Care History in NJ – The 1970s – Memories of the NJFPA’s First Meeting at the Shiloh Baptist Church

What I remember most about that first meeting is how many people showed up, because it was only by word of mouth. At that time, we had no other way of getting the word out. We didn’t know who was who really. We knew some people, and we said if you know any foster parents, tell them to come. We told all the people we knew and they all brought people. We always had good meetings in the counties. We had a lot of representation. I would say, out of the twenty counties, we had at least twelve counties. Some were more strong then others. Middlesex was strong because we were from there, Burlington was strong because of Hattie, Camden was strong and Newark was strong – and Jersey City was strong. Some of the foster parents who came to that first meeting are still fostering today! Continue reading

Milestones in Foster Care History in NJ The 1970s | Formation of the New Jersey Foster Parent Association

Milestones in Foster Care History in NJ – The 1970s – Foster parents Sue and Bernie Dondiego and Hattie Talley sit at a kitchen table and discuss issues facing foster parents and how to work together to bring about positive change for the children in their homes. They create the New Jersey Foster Parent Association (NJFPA), known today as Foster and Adoptive Family Services (FAFS).

Milestones in Foster Care History in NJ – The 1970s – Meeting with Hattie Talley and the Formation of the New Jersey Foster Parent Association

When we met at that kitchen table back in the early ’70’s, it was just a few foster parents talking. Hattie Talley, who went on to form the organization with us, Carol, and ourselves.  We were just telling war stories like we always did.  But then Hattie said, “This is how it’s always going to be if we don’t help one another. We have to support one another and reach out to one another.”  And that’s how it started that day. Continue reading